Thursday, 26 June 2008

Writing From the Heart

If you write, or you are seriously condidering becoming a writer, then the best advice is to write straight from the heart. Sometimes the writing will be fun to read and at other times it will make you sad
whatever it does, be sure that it will affect you in some way and this will be apparent to your readers.

Repetitive Writing

Those who already earn an income will tell you that some of the writing tasks you are given can be really repetitive - write about employment law for so long and it feels as though you are pushing through mud. The lesson here is that it is not always easy to write from the heart, but when and if you do, that writing will be more powerful than anything else you write.


Malcolm R. Campbell said...

When one writes from the heart, his or her passion for the subject is clearly evident in the words. They have more sparkle and more power, and the writer is more likely to "go that extra mile" to track down facts and polish the piece.


Sue Jeffels Writing said...

Yes Malcolm,

I think that's the truth. Thanks for stopping by


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