Wednesday, 30 July 2008

Writing and Blogging

Writing and blogging are probably synonomous but I suppose I regard blogging as writing for me and an audience rather than a client. Even on my professional writing blog I don't really see it as work - though perhaps I should.

One of the reasons I probably make these distinctions is that I make very little money from my blogs, not even received my first Google check yet, even though one of my sites has a consistent PR2 and comes up on the first page of Google for Freelance Writing and Research - probably means that I could do with some tips on monetization.

The money that I make from writing comes from the articles and website content that I write for different clients - and that is what I see as my freelance writing work. Do you make a distinction between writing and blogging?

Sunday, 20 July 2008

Writing Domestic Violence

You may be wondering what domestic violence has to do with this blog - well the fact is that a lot of my writing, a whole doctoral thesis in fact has been about domestic violence.

Recently I was invited to add a niche blog on domestic violence to - if you blog and you have a good idea for a niche blog then it is worth seeing whether they will accept it. You have to be patient because they can take up to 30 days before they either turn you down or extend an invitation.

Get Paid to Blog

One of the reasons Today only has invited blogger is because they will pay you to blog, ok it's not much, just a $1 for a hundred word post, and they only pay that dollar once a day. Today also pays you on page impressions and from time to time they review blogs and your income could go up or down, depending on whether they like what they see.

If you've got a favorite topic that you want to write about then it is worth seeing whether will offer you an invitation - let me know how you get on.


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