Sunday 15 April 2007

Am I A Writer Or Am I Nuts?

I've just been wondering whether we simply choose to be writers or whether writing somehow chooses us. When people talk about writer's block is it because they have nothing to say or is something else in side of them getting in the way of the writer?

If we have to write, and many writers feel this way, (otherwise why would we sit in solitary silence beavering away with words) then why are there times when writing is like trying to get blood from a stone.

If I have up and down times when the words have to be squeezed out rather than flowing free, does this mean I am not really a writer, or that I like to think of myself as a writer when really I'm a dabbler.

Writing pays most of my bills but that is not writing that I really care about, so long as it makes sense and has the required amount of words, that's fine. So why is other writing different to that, the words are the same, or are they? Are words chamelons sometimes easily recognizable and written down and at others tantalizling hiding behind something, a sort of catch me if you can attitude.

Or am I just nuts?


Malcolm R. Campbell said...

For me, the answer to that question is "yes."

I'm not convinced writing is a very stable thing to be doing.

So it goes.


hannahyeesif said...
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hannahyeesif said...

you are not nuts. i hate that expression. you probably know this but you should know you are not nuts, forget about that stranger that tells you are.

when you say writing i wonder what aspect of writing you mean. do you creating the plot and characters in your head or the part when you sit down and write it? i am always thinking of a story to create but i rarely ever actually write it down. i hope my comment helps. ps - you are not nuts.


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