You hear a lot of talk about a blog's page ranking with Google, in fact some directories will not accept a blog that is not ranked with Google. Not surprisingly that no-one was more surprised than I when I found at that this site had a PR2. I had done a fair bit of work recently but I have to say that most of this was due to advice from gracepub and Sharon. Thanks both of you.
Wednesday, 31 October 2007
Tuesday, 30 October 2007
Freelancing Fears
When you are a freelance writer and depend on that income to pay your bills then there is always the fear that the work may dry up. Freelance writing can be a chancy business and no matter how much time you might spend bidding for work, there is no guarantee that you will get it.
Feel the Fear and Do it Anyway
When you start to get the freelancing fears then the only way out of the problem is through it. As Susan Jeffers said in her 1987 book you have to "Feel the Fear and Do it Anyway." Fear never really deserts us but how we handle that fear can mean the difference between failure and success; which is why so many writers just work through that fear.
Posted by Sue Jeffels Writing at 16:38 0 comments
Labels: fear, freelancing, writers
Monday, 29 October 2007
Write With Passion
I am not just suggesting that other writers write with passion because it is also something that I need to do myself. It is all too easy for our writing to become stale. This is especially the case when it comes to freelancing on the web, by the time you have written the umpteenth article on a particular subject your writing loses its freshness.
Do Something Else
If your writing begins to sound stale to you then it is time to do something else. Go for a walk, read a book or read other blogs. I find that if I read certain blogs if fires my enthusiasm and I can get some of the freshness back in my writing. If you think that your writing is sounding stale then find something else to do for a while.
Posted by Sue Jeffels Writing at 18:25 0 comments
Labels: freelancing, write with passion, writer
Friday, 26 October 2007
Writing When You've Got the Wobbles
This last few weeks I have found the writing when you've got the wobbles is not only hard going, but you end up turning out less than good copy as well. I thought that I was getting to a place where I was handling life a bit better since losing my son; but it seems that the more time that passes - five months now - life gets harder rather than easier. I have decided not to be so harsh with myself and accept that provided I am writing, then writing when you've got the wobbles may not be as fast and accurate as writing normally is but it's still writing.
So if you are having problems and still trying to carry on writing when you've got the wobbles just don't be too hard on yourself, at least you are writing.
Posted by Sue Jeffels Writing at 12:57 2 comments
Labels: freelance writing, life, writing when you've got the wobbles
Friday, 19 October 2007
Write Good Content
I know it has been said before by other writers and bloggers but the kind of content that you put on your website or blog really does matter. People will often become regular visitors to either your website or your blog because they like what you have to say. You are obviously writing about topics that engage readers when they come to your site.
It is all too easy to forget that any writer is only as good as their audience. Successful published writers know that if they want to remain successful then it is up to them give their readers what they want - something that engages their interest and keeps them coming back for more.
When you write good content you are not only pleasing your audience you are putting your money where your mouth is when it comes to writing. One of the reasons that you write good content is because you hope that your audience wouldn't expect anything less than you expect from yourself.
Posted by Sue Jeffels Writing at 08:46 4 comments
Labels: blogging, freelance writer, freelance writing, good content, published writers
Thursday, 18 October 2007
Write for Cash
Work at Home
So many people want to be able to turn their hand to working from home, numbers of them are successful and quite a few of them,like me, write for cash. Writing in this way still deserves all your attention as a writer, in fact it probably deserves more, because you are providing a service.Freelance Writing
Many writers who earn their living from freelance writing choose to give something back. Either they pass their writing skills on to others so that they can write better; or they share their skills in websites and seo.
Freelance writers are often generous with their time and their advice in other areas too. Writers help each other out in many ways and those who write for cash also realize the value of networking with each other. So if you want to write for cash you may find yourself joining a whole group of successful and helpful people.
Posted by Sue Jeffels Writing at 08:44 0 comments
Labels: freelance writing, networking, wahm, write for cash
Monday, 15 October 2007
Writers are Readers
If you are a writer then it is highly likely that you are also a reader. Writers know that one of the best ways of learning their craft is to read the work of others - writers like John Grisham, Johnathon Kellerman, Michael Connolly and Sue Grafton have an almost universal appeal in that the characterization and dialogue are usually well rounded and sharp respectively.
A writer is usually a reader who does more than read for enjoyment. A writer takes notes on the structure and style that published authors use in an attempt to improve on whatever they themselves are writing. If you are a freelance writer then you still need to read the work of others, there are plenty on the internet; or you could read your local paper or your favorite magazine through your writer's eyes. Writers are readers if they know what is good for them
Posted by Sue Jeffels Writing at 07:06 2 comments
Labels: freelance writer, published authors, writer, writing
Sunday, 14 October 2007
Hard Boiled Writing
Hard boiled writing refers to a particular category in mystery novels. It was made famous by writers such as Hammett and Chandler, present day writers who could be said to write in that genre are Paretsky and Michael Connolly. It is the sort of detective story that really appeals to me and in which I am going to attempt to write the new nanowrimo novel that I am unsuccessfully (at the moment) planning. The problem with being a writer is that writing tends to get in the way of writing if you know what I mean.
Posted by Sue Jeffels Writing at 17:21 3 comments
Labels: chandler, hard boiled writing, mystery novels
Freelance Foibles
Freelancers are strange creatures with their own foibles. For example, they love reading books about freelance writing and they enjoy talking with other freelancers. Most freelancers have their own foibles as well as the more general ones - for example I love to see what my friends have written on their blogs even before I start work. I suppose it provides me some sort of brain food when it comes to writing articles. When I have written forty or more articles on the same subject I am constantly reminded of the words of the song "life gets tedious don't it"- and then I feel ashamed because I should feel grateful for the fact that I am able to get freelance writing work.
Posted by Sue Jeffels Writing at 10:03 2 comments
Labels: foibles, freelance, freelance writing, freelancers
Thursday, 11 October 2007
Busy Writing...but
As a working writer I have been busy writing, but the best laid plans of mice and women often go astray. It just occurred to me that I haven't yet claimed the blog for technorati. So here goes.Technorati Profile
Posted by Sue Jeffels Writing at 06:11 0 comments
Monday, 8 October 2007
Nanowrimo and Other Things
Nanowrimo signups started last week and I have still not signed in yet. Between problems with my wrists and shoulders, and a nasty email virus that has caused all kinds of problems for me and my computer since Saturday morning.
These problems now seem contained but I have had to reboot etc a number of times as a result. I shall need to be more vigilant when I open things.
Posted by Sue Jeffels Writing at 14:46 0 comments
Professional Writing and the Blogosphere
Professional writing and the blogosphere are inextricably linked it seems to me. A blog is somewhere that other writers can read what you have written and comment if they choose. It is also the place where writing work can be found if you 'virtually'meet the right people.
Most of the work that I undertake as a freelance writer has been work that I obtained through other people in the blogosphere. People like Sharon and Gracepub have helped me and numbers of other writers get started on freelance writing work. Considering there are probably close to as many freelance writers out there as there are freelance writing jobs
It often seems like a cut throat world out there, but writers in general are a very helpful and supportive group of people - especially when other things in life stop us writing.Whether that applies to everyone in the writing world or to the blogosphere in particular I don't know, but there are some good community blogging sites out there.
Writers such as those at inspired author who provide free resources and articles related to writing for other writers are all busy, working writers, who are prepared to give other writers a helping hand.
Posted by Sue Jeffels Writing at 11:50 0 comments
Wednesday, 3 October 2007
A Day in the Life of a Working Writer
If you are a working writer then quite often the working day ends when you have either fallen asleep over your keyboard or you have met the current deadline. Today has been one of those days; working on my new website setting up a subscibe option, checking out paid blogging, catching up on a property project and writing for a travel site. I have also tried to update most of my blogs oh, and because I work part time at the local university I also had a two hour tutorial with a student today. I am now about to lose what is left of my mind and sign up for the latest nanowrimo extravaganza. Happy writing.
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