Friday 26 October 2007

Writing When You've Got the Wobbles

This last few weeks I have found the writing when you've got the wobbles is not only hard going, but you end up turning out less than good copy as well. I thought that I was getting to a place where I was handling life a bit better since losing my son; but it seems that the more time that passes - five months now - life gets harder rather than easier. I have decided not to be so harsh with myself and accept that provided I am writing, then writing when you've got the wobbles may not be as fast and accurate as writing normally is but it's still writing.

So if you are having problems and still trying to carry on writing when you've got the wobbles just don't be too hard on yourself, at least you are writing.


Brent Diggs said...

Forward motion is still motion no matter how slow.

Or how wobbly.

Thanks for the encouragement.

Sue Jeffels Writing said...

Thanks for the comment brentd, yes it is still a forward motion



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